
Tagħna Lkoll Newsletter 2023 can be viewed here:

Taghna Lkoll

Colour by Numbers and Wordsearch pages can be downloaded here:

Colour by number


Dear Parents

Kindly note a slight change in the students’ dismissal times.


Hawn taħt tista’ ssib link li tispjega kif taċċessa l-email account tat-tifel/tifla tiegħek.

This is a link  explaining how to access your child’s email account:

Acccessing students’ email

(L-istudenti ġodda se jingħataw l-email address u l-password tat-tfal fil-jiem li ġejjin.)

(New students will be given their ilearn email address and password in the coming days)

Dan il-video t’hawn taħt jispjega kif tistgħu tużaw Ms Teams. Il-preżentazzjoni hi bil-Malti.

The link below is to a video in Maltese about the use of Ms Teams.

(1) Ms Teams for Parents (in Maltese language) – YouTube

Siġġiewi Youth Nursery is organising a summer camp. Those parents who wish to apply can use this link:  Siggiewi Youth Nursery Summer Football Camp 2024 Registration 

Is-Siġġiewi Youth Nursery ser jorganizzaw summer camp. Dawk il-ġenituri li jixtiequ japplikaw jistgħu jużaw dan il-link: Siggiewi Youth Nursery Summer Football Camp 2024 Registration


On Thursday, 25th April, seven year 4 students presented their science project in front of a panel of judges and their peers during a special assembly. The students showed a good understanding of the principles involved and the projects presented were praised for their originality and high standard. This event was one of the activities organised during the college STEM week. A big well done to all participants.

We are sharing an information poster by the Siggiewi Basketball Club. Those parents who wish to apply can use this link:  https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfP2H5uziDH6x…/viewform

Qed naqsmu poster ta’ informazzjoni mill-Klabb tal-Basketball ta’ Siggiewi. Dawk il-ġenituri li jixtiequ japplikaw jistgħu jużaw dan il-link: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfP2H5uziDH6x…/viewform


Dear parents/guardians of students in years 4, 5 & 6

An online information session Helping your child to become a responsible digital citizen will be held for parents/guardians on Monday 29th April from 10am – 11.30am. 

Since children are spending a considerable amount of time online, we encourage you to attend this meeting. During the session you will be familiarised with the realities and risks children are encountering when engaging in online environment.  We will explore the challenges of parenting in the digital age, delving into the risks and unhealthy behaviours children may encounter online based on cases encountered at BeSmartOnline. Topics will include sexting, grooming, cyberbullying and excessive technology use. Additionally, we’ll provide opportunities for questions and share tips on promoting online safety for our children.

To join the online meeting, click on the link below:


Bħala parti mill-inizzjattiva, ‘Bil-Ħila Tagħkom’, l-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu għadhom kif ippubblikaw ktieb bl-isem Pirinu u l-Kappell. Dan il-ktieb ġie miktub mis-sur Anthony Caruana b’illustrazzjonijiet tas-sa Sandra Abela, żewġ assistenti kapijiet fl-iskola tagħna. Grazzi u prosit lil kull min kien involut f’din l-inizzjattiva.


Parents whose children were born in 2021 and who will be starting Kindergarten at Siggiewi Primary in October 2024 are asked to register their children.

Ġenituri li għandhom tfal li twieldu fl-2021 u li se jidħlu fil-kindergarten f’Ottubru li ġej huma mitluba jirreġistraw li uliedhom.

Registration of Students’ Application

If parents live at Siggiewi, they can register their children at school during school hours or they can fill the above application, scan it and send it to sic.siggiewi.pr@ilearn.edu.mt together with a scan of both sides of parents ID cards.

Title your email : New KGintake October 2024

Jekk il-ġenituri joqogħdu s-Siġġiewi, huma jistgħu japplikaw personalment l-iskola waqt il-ħinijiet tal-iskola, jew jimlew l-applikazzjoni t’hawn fuq, u jibagħtuha (kopja scanned) fuq l-indirizz elettroniku sic.siggiewi.pr@ilearn.edu.mt flimkien ma’ kopja taż-żewġ naħat tal-karta tal-identita’ taż-żewġ ġenituri.

L-ittra elettronika semmuha : New KGintake October 2024 

L-iskola imbagħad tagħmel kuntatt magħkom aktar ‘il quddiem.

With regards to the out of locality requests (parents not residing at Siggiewi), the parents or legal guardians are kindly requested to take the  application together with all the relative documentations to the prinicipal’s office in Qormi in June.  Please note that the document/s supporting the request must be dated in June. Should any parents or legal guardian require any further information about out of locality registrations, they may contact the principal’s office by phone on: 25987508/9 or by email on stignatius.college@ilearn.edu.mt

Jekk il-ġenituri ma joqogħdux is-Siġġiewi, huma għandhom jieħdu l-applikazzjoni flimkien ma’ dokumenti oħra neċessarji fl-uffiċċju tal-prinċipal f’Ħal Qormi f’Ġunju. Id-dokumenti preżentati għandhom ukoll ikunu datati f’Ġunju. Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar reġistrazzjonijiet li huma barra mil-lokalita tas-Siġġiewi, tistgħu tikkuntattjaw l-uffiċċju tal-prinċipal fuq 25987508/9 jew b’email fuq stignatius.college@ilearn.edu.mt

Thank you / Grazzi

Senior Leadership Team

Siggiewi Primary


Parents who will require the service of Klabb 3-16 in the coming scholastic year, are informed that the applications open around mid- August. Parents may be encouraged to either visit the FES website or like the facebook page so that they are updated with the latest information.

Thank you

As part of the STEM activities organised by our college, our year 6 students visited the Science Labs at Ħandaq Secondary on Wednesday 17th April. The students took part in various hands-on activities. A special thank you goes to Ms Charlotte Saliba and her team of teachers who prepared these activities and thoroughly enjoyed hosting our students. We all hope that our students left feeling inspired and excited about Science.

In our recent class activity, we delved into the fascinating world of materials, sparking curiosity among the students about their properties and potential applications. Venturing further, we harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to engage in a riveting conversation with the renowned inventor Margaret Knight. Through the innovative tool Character.ai, the children eagerly posed insightful questions about her groundbreaking invention—a machine capable of folding and gluing paper bags, revolutionizing packaging as we know it. Inspired by Knight’s ingenuity, the students embarked on a hands-on journey to design and craft their own bags, a task requiring careful consideration of size and durability to accommodate specific items. This immersive experience not only nurtured a deeper understanding of materials and invention but also cultivated critical thinking and innovation skills, empowering the students to explore and innovate in their own right.

Ms Sephoraph

ms sephoraph